Client Transformations

Let us encourage and inspire you to get in the best shape of your life! Whether you have been athletic your entire life, or never exercised at all, Jennifer Sedia has the experience and state-of-the-art training equipment to help you reach your goal! These folks are hard workers,  just like you, who took advantage of Jennifer’s knowledge.

No pushy sales pitch, no gimmicks. What you see is what you get at Infinity Training & Wellness.

Client Testimonial

From 2023…

“Dear Jennifer, 

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your exceptional coaching and guidance throughout my bodybuilding journey. Your expertise, dedication, and unwavering support have played a crucial role in shaping me into the athlete I am today, and for that, I am truly grateful.

From the moment I started training under your tutelage, it was evident that you possess an immense passion for bodybuilding. You lead by example on a daily basis.  Your comprehensive knowledge of training techniques, nutrition, and competition preparation has been invaluable in helping me achieve my goals. Your unwavering dedication, expertise, and genuine care for my growth have made an indelible impact on my life. From your instruction to “eat your protein and drink your water” to “put God first”, you made a positive difference all the way around.  I am truly blessed to have had the privilege of being your student, and I will carry the lessons I have learned from you throughout my journey, both on and off the stage.”


“I have battled with weight gain and weight loss all of my adult life. I had tried numerous diets and weight loss plans with little lasting success. Then my friend introduced me to Jennifer and my outcomes changed! I am no longer fighting a loosing battle. Through the nutrition plan and workout routines she designed I have managed to reach beyond my original goals! I have more energy and feel healthier than I have ever been!

Since I began my fitness journey I have lost almost 20 pounds and dropped three pant sizes!

Jennifer’s knowledge, experience and encouragement made the difference between fighting the same pounds over and over and breaking into new levels of fitness I didn’t realize I could accomplish. My focus changed from merely grasping at weight loss to adopting a healthy lifestyle that will make me stronger for life.

I can say with all certainty working with Jennifer is one of the best decisions I have ever made for my health. If you are considering whether or not to take the plunge, do it! You will not be disappointed.”

– McKelvey S., 2018

Don’t wait until tomorrow! Call today!